
How To Play Pvp In Warframe

Thespian vs. Histrion, colloquially shortened to PvP, refers to the collection of game types where histrion-controlled Tenno confront off against each other in battle.

Duel [ ]

Main article: Duel

Duel Dojo.jpg

Dueling is a game mode added in Update 8 with the introduction of the Clan Dojo. By building a Dueling Room in the Clan Dojo, two players in that Dojo can begin a duel session. During the match, most of the furnishings and damage dealt by Warframe powers and Weapons remain the same as in missions.

Conclave [ ]

Principal article: Conclave

Website Conclave1.png

Conclave is a Syndicate added in Update xvi.0 (2015-03-xix) that provides large scale PvP missions. First introduced every bit a game mode in Update x.0 (2013-09-13). It was restricted to players with like Caucus Levels instead of their clan affiliations, and features battles on designated loonshit tiles. The new Conclave introduced in Update 16 creates a new Arsenal for players with a limited number of Warframes and Weapons in order to allow fair play. Available game modes include Anything, Squad Annihilation, Cephalon Capture and Lunaro. Playing Conclave allows Tenno to earn Standing from Teshin, and unlock unique rewards as a event.

Limitations [ ]


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Conclave but allows certain Warframes and weapons to ensure balance is off-white and fifty-fifty. Conclave mods can exist obtained from Teshin with Standing and from completing a Conclave friction match. Some of these mods tin also exist used in PvE and are dropped past Sentients or bought with Cred in Nightwave. Weapon variants such as Prime and MK-one, are generally permitted.

View Available Equipment List

Warframes Primaries Secondaries Melee
  • AshIcon272.pngAsh ( Ash PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • AtlasIcon272.pngAtlas ( Atlas PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • BansheeIcon272.pngBanshee ( Banshee PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • ChromaIcon272.pngChroma ( Chroma PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • EmberIcon272.pngEmber ( Ember PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • EquinoxIcon272.pngEquinox ( EquinoxPrimeIcon.pngPrime )
  • ExcaliburIcon272.pngExcalibur ( Excalibur UmbraIcon272.pngUmbra , Excalibur UmbraIcon272.pngPrime , Excalibur PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • FrostIcon272.pngFrost ( Frost PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • GaraIcon272.pngGara
  • HarrowIcon272.pngHarrow
  • HydroidIcon272.pngHydroid ( Hydroid PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • InarosIcon272.pngInaros ( InarosPrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • IvaraIcon272.pngIvara ( Ivara PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • KhoraIcon272.pngKhora
  • LimboIcon272.pngLimbo ( Limbo PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • LokiIcon272.pngLoki ( Loki PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • MagIcon272.pngMag ( Mag PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • MesaIcon272.pngMesa ( MesaPrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • MirageIcon272.pngMirage ( Mirage PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • NekrosIcon272.pngNekros ( Nekros PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • NezhaIcon272.pngNezha
  • NidusIcon272.pngNidus
  • NovaIcon272.pngNova ( Nova PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • NyxIcon272.pngNyx ( Nyx PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • OberonIcon272.pngOberon ( Oberon PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • OctaviaIcon272.pngOctavia
  • RhinoIcon272.pngRhino ( Rhino PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • SarynIcon272.pngSaryn ( Saryn PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • TitaniaIcon272.pngTitania
  • TrinityIcon272.pngTrinity ( Trinity PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • ValkyrIcon272.pngValkyr ( Valkyr PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • VaubanIcon272.pngVauban ( Vauban PrimeIcon272.pngPrime number )
  • VoltIcon272.pngVolt ( Volt PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • WukongIcon272.pngWukong
  • ZephyrIcon272.pngZephyr ( Zephyr PrimeIcon272.pngPrime )
  • Amprex
  • Arca Plasmor
  • Argonak
  • Artemis Bow
  • Astilla
  • Attica
  • Baza
  • Boar (Prime)
  • Boltor (Prime, Telos)
  • Braton (Prime, Vandal, MK1)
  • Burston (Prime)
  • Buzlok
  • Cernos (Prime, Rakta)
  • Corinth
  • Daikyu
  • Dera (Vandal)
  • Dex Sybaris
  • Drakgoon
  • Dread
  • Ferrox
  • Flux Burglarize
  • Glaxion
  • Gorgon (Wraith, Prisma)
  • Grakata (Prisma)
  • Grinlok (Prisma)
  • Harpak
  • Hek (Vaykor)
  • Hema
  • Hind
  • Ignis (Wraith)
  • Javlok
  • Karak (Wraith)
  • Lanka
  • Latron (Prime, Wraith)
  • Lenz
  • Miter
  • Mutalist Cernos
  • Ogris
  • Opticor (Vandal)
  • Panthera
  • Paris (MK1, Prime number)
  • Penta (Secura)
  • Phantasma
  • Quartakk
  • Rubico (Prime)
  • Scourge
  • Simulor (Synoid)
  • Snipetron (Vandal)
  • Sobek
  • Soma (Prime number)
  • Stradavar (Prime)
  • Strun (MK1, Wraith)
  • Supra (Vandal)
  • Sybaris (Prime)
  • Synapse
  • Tenora
  • Tetra (Prisma)
  • Tiberon (Prime number)
  • Tigris (Sancti, Prime)
  • Tonkor
  • Vectis (Prime)
  • Veldt
  • Vulkar (Wraith)
  • Zarr
  • Zenith
  • Zhuge
  • Acrid
  • Afuris
  • Akbolto (Prime, Telos)
  • Akjagara
  • Aklato
  • Aklex (Prime)
  • Akmagnus
  • Aksomati
  • Akstiletto (Prime number)
  • Akvasto (Prime)
  • Akzani
  • Angstrum (Prisma)
  • Arca Scisco
  • Atomos
  • Azima
  • Ballistica (Prime, Rakta)
  • Bolto
  • Brakk
  • Bronco (Prime number)
  • Castanas (Sancti)
  • Cestra
  • Cycron
  • Despair
  • Detron (Mara)
  • Dex Furis
  • Dex Pixia
  • Dual Cestra (Secura)
  • Dual Toxocyst
  • Embolist
  • Euphona Prime
  • Furis (MK1)
  • Fusilai
  • Gammacor (Synoid)
  • Hikou (Prime number)
  • Knell
  • Kohmak
  • Kraken
  • Kulstar
  • Kunai (MK1)
  • Lato (Prime, Vandal)
  • Lex (Prime)
  • Magnus
  • Marelok (Vaykor)
  • Nukor
  • Pandero
  • Pox
  • Pyrana (Prime)
  • Regulators
  • Seer
  • Sicarus (Prime)
  • Sonicor
  • Spectra
  • Spira (Prime)
  • Staticor
  • Stubba
  • Stug
  • Talons
  • Twin Grakatas
  • Twin Gremlins (Prisma)
  • Twin Kohmak
  • Twin Rogga
  • Twin Vipers (Wraith)
  • Tysis
  • Vasto (Prime)
  • Viper (Wraith)
  • Zakti
  • Zylok
  • Ack & Burden
  • Amphis
  • Anku
  • Ankyros (Prime)
  • Arca Titron
  • Atterax
  • Bo (Prime number, MK1)
  • Boltace (Telos)
  • Cleaved Scepter
  • Cleaved War
  • Cassowar
  • Caustacyst
  • Ceramic Dagger
  • Cerata
  • Cronus
  • Dakra Prime
  • Dark Dagger (Rakta)
  • Dark Divide-Sword (Dual Swords)
  • Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade)
  • Night Sword
  • Destreza (Prime)
  • Dex Dakra
  • Diwata
  • Dragon Nikana
  • Dual Cleavers (Prisma)
  • Dual Ether
  • Dual Heat Swords
  • Dual Ichor
  • Dual Kamas (Prime number)
  • Dual Keres
  • Dual Raza
  • Dual Skana
  • Dual Zoren
  • Endura
  • Ether Daggers
  • Ether Reaper
  • Ether Sword
  • Exalted Blade
  • Fang (Prime number)
  • Fragor (Prime)
  • Furax (Wraith, MK1)
  • Galatine (Prime number)
  • Gazal Machete
  • Glaive (Prime)
  • Gram (Prime number)
  • Guandao
  • Halikar
  • Detest
  • Heat Dagger
  • Heat Sword
  • Heliocor (Synoid)
  • Hirudo
  • Iron Staff
  • Jat Kittag
  • Jat Kusar
  • Jaw Sword
  • Kama
  • Karyst
  • Kesheg
  • Kestrel
  • Kogake (Prime)
  • Korrudo
  • Krohkur
  • Kronen (Prime)
  • Lacera
  • Lecta (Secura)
  • Lesion
  • Machete (Wraith)
  • Magistar (Sancti)
  • Mios
  • Mire
  • Nami Skyla (Prime)
  • Nami Solo
  • Nikana (Prime)
  • Ninkondi
  • Obex (Prisma)
  • Ohma
  • Okina
  • Orthos (Prime)
  • Orvius
  • Pangolin Sword
  • Paracesis
  • Plasma Sword
  • Prova (Vandal)
  • Pupacyst
  • Reaper Prime
  • Ripkas
  • Scindo (Prime)
  • Scoliac
  • Serro
  • Shaku
  • Sheev
  • Sibear
  • Sigma & Octantis
  • Silva & Aegis (Prime number)
  • Skana (Prisma, Prime number)
  • Skiajati
  • Sydon (Vaykor)
  • Tatsu
  • Tekko
  • Tipedo (Prime)
  • Tonbo
  • Twin Basolk
  • Twin Krohkur
  • Valkyr Talons
  • Venka (Prime)
  • Volnus
  • War
  • Wolf Sledge
  • Zenistar

Weapons [ ]

  • All weapons take their own unique stats in PvP that can be dissimilar from their regular stats, including damage, fire rate, and other stats. Encounter Weapon Comparison/Conclave for a comparison listing.
  • Weapons cannot proc, however, some weapons volition always proc on certain deportment. These include:
  • There are no critical hits. Weapons instead have a headshot multiplier, generally x1.5; shooting an enemy in the head applies this multiplier.
  • Melee slide attacks exercise but as much damage as regular attacks.
  • All PvE Opinion Mods cannot be used in PvP, which uses dedicated Stance mods that can only exist used in PvP.

Warframes [ ]

  • Warframes have their ain unique wellness, armor, and shields, and use the default 100 Max Energy.
  • For balance reasons, Warframe abilities may bear differently in PvP:

Mods [ ]

Main article: Category:PvP Mods

Restrictions on Modern choice is also applied. The Conclave Syndicate also sells a variety of Mods for players with sufficient Standings, some of which are currently PvP exclusives. PvE usable mods can too be obtained from defeating Sentients or bought with Cred offerings in Nightwave. All Conclave mods are also possible rewards after completing a PvP match.


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